Introduction to SOS Fundraising Pack
Help our Campaign to succeed through doing your bit to raise crucial funds for legal action and representation when and if it becomes necessary.
The SOS campaign relies completely on volunteers and public support from all parts of the community. We are up against well-funded public bodies and a multinational company who already employ legal advisors and have the resources to bring in specialist expertise to support them in any future legal actions. We estimate that a future legal bill challenging the planning decision may run to tens of thousands of Euros.
We have already been bowled over by the generosity of members of the community who wish to help, but now have to move to a new phase which encourages lots of different fundraising activities. We have learned from other successful community based campaigns that having multiple channels for fundraising, involving lots of different local groups, businesses and individuals really helps not only to raise much needed cash but also to spread our message and raise awareness of the campaign.
How to Begin Fundraising
You may be a seasoned fundraiser and have organised events before for your favourite charity, school, sports club or community – which is great because you will already know what is involved. But don’t worry if you have never done this before, we have lots of ideas and advice to help you make your event a success.
Fundraising can involve large events which take a lot of planning and organisation or can be as simple as doing a regular collection. Think about the time that you can realistically commit. All donations small or large will be very important for SOS Skibbereen.
Turn your ideas into clever fundraising
Have a think about how much money you would like to raise for Save Our Skibbereen. Then take a look at your list of ideas and think about which ones could help you reach that target.
- Which would be easy to organise, but would bring in the money?
- Which ones do you think will appeal most to your friends, family or colleagues?
- Which could you turn into a sponsored event or challenge?
- Perhaps people could join in with some ideas, and you could raise money as a group?
If you’re in need of a bit of extra inspiration, take a look at some of our ideas outlined in this pack.
Spaces, places and times
Think about where the best place would be for your fundraising. Maybe you already know a suitable venue, such as your office or school? Or maybe you could ask use a local park community hall. Or maybe you could ask to use a local park or sports ground.
Think about when you would do it. Maybe it would be better to raise money on a weekend, so that more people can get involved? Whatever you decide, it’s a good idea to check that other events aren’t happening at the same time before you set the date. It is a good idea to check that other events aren’t happening at the same time and to give plenty of notice to maximise attendance.
Get others involved
Ask if your friends and family would like to help. Make a list of things that they could join in with, to help you make your fundraising as successful as possible. They could help with transport, for example, with marketing or with setting up a venue. Approach local businesses who might be able to provide you with sponsorship or even raffle prizes. Invite a local celebrity of sportsperson who may be willing to help raise more interest by officially opening or supporting your event.
Tell us what you are doing
Make sure that you let the SOS campaign know about your event so we can help get the word via social media out and provide a speaker or some literature for you to hand out. We need the date, time, venue and a description of the event and any entry charges, rules etc.
Publicise your event
Use posters, leaflets, Facebook, Twitter and your own networks to publicise your events. Tell C103 and the Southern Star about your event, and ask them to give it a mention and to send a reporter or a photographer along. Make it clear that your event is raising funds for the Save Our Skibbereen campaign and use the logo on any publicity.
Have Fun!
Fundraising can be hard work but is also a lot of fun. It’s a great feeling to bring people together for a good cause and the emphasis should be on fun as well as the serious message about the campaign. People have lots of calls on their time and money so making your event sound interesting, different and enjoyable will really help.
Some Ideas for Fund Raising for Save Our Skibbereen
Pub or Table Quiz:
Make it as simple or as broad as you like. Add in more fun and enjoyable ways to present the quiz. Include song snippets, movie scenes, charades or vocal pitch matching to make the quiz more enjoyable. You can download loads of free quiz ideas and resources from the web.
See if the local might host a pub quiz. The winning team gets a round, and every team of 4 pays a charge per table. There could be bonus rounds at the end, where people give an extra donation to compete with the hope of getting a free drink.
If you are want to organise this around trivia about plastic compounding then take a look at our FAQ for inspiration.
The Annual Table Quiz in Ahakista hosted by local celebrity and broadcaster Graham Norton is hugely popular, so see if you can find a great quiz host.
Golf Day:
Golf days have amazing fundraising potential. Organise a golf day and invite people to come charging a fee to enter. Ask local businesses to provide a prize.
Good for any ages and groups. Run a best out of three or a whole tournament. Charge a small entry fee and collect donations for Save Our Skibbereen in a bucket on the day. This fun and competitive game is great for any age. Get a rope. Make your centre point and test your strength.
Darts or Snooker Challenge:
Fancy challenging your friends to a friendly game of Darts? Make it more competitive by testing your skills with different darts games such as around the clock. Charge a small entry fee and collect donations for Save Our Skibbereen in a bucket on the day.
Love bingo? Then why not play a good old- fashioned round or 3 of bingo at your fundraising event? Ask family and friends or local shops to donate prizes for each line or full house.
Treasure Hunt:
Make it as big or as small as you want – around the neighbourhood, town or even county. Get your friend with the most local knowledge to write a treasure hunt that both adults and children can enjoy and ask for a donation for teams to enter. Finish at a local park or restaurant and the winner(s) take a proportion of the entry fees, or maybe a local product everyone loves.
Sponsored Events:
Sponsored walks, runs and cycle rides are always popular but there are lots of other different eye catching ideas where you get a lot of people together to raise sponsorship:
- Sponsored Silence
- Sponsored Wild Swim
- Sponsored rowing, kayaking or paddle boarding
- Get a group of friends to dye their hair SOS green
- Sponsored danceathon
Get Together:
If you would like a member of Save Our Skibbereen to come and do a short talk or answer questions about the proposed polymer compounding facility at your get together please get in touch with
Coffee Morning:
Have a coffee morning in your community centre. Make a few big urns of coffee and tea and get a selection of biscuits. People can make contributions for what they have.
Afternoon Tea:
Hosting an afternoon tea with cake and scones is always a great way to get everyone together and raise a little bit of money.
The Great Skibbereen Bake off!
Have a baking competition, with categories for brown bread, cakes, scones and bracks. Charge an entry fee and sell off the cakes at the end to raise a little more.
Open Mic Nights or Talent Shows:
Hosting an open mic or talent show and charging for entries or taking donations
Plant Growing Competition:
Whether it’s sunflowers, chilli plants or tomatoes, pick your plant. See who can grow the most impressive greenery in a set time and get everyone to make a donation to take part. Something everyone can get involved with – watch the plants (and the competition) grow!
Plant Sale:
We all have extra seedlings in our poly tunnels and greenhouses, so organise a plant sale in your garden or at the market.
Beautiful You:
Get pampered. Invite a beautician and a masseuse to come to your venue. Ask them to donate their time or a percentage of their earnings and charge for having a massage or nails painted.
Fund Raising Couture:
Have a fashion show. Everyone participating could either wear their favourite outfit, see what interesting garments they can find in the house, or ask a local boutique to donate some supplies.
Skills Auction:
The chances are you work with a talented bunch of people. Convince them to give up a bit of time for free. From guitar lessons to handmade knits, from fancy food to make up tips. Auction everything off.
Car Boot Sale or Clothes Recycling Sale:
Donate the profits from a recycling sale or car boot or garage sale
Cake Sales:
Ask a group of friends to donate cakes or bread and organise a cake and bread sale the profits from a car boot or garage sale
Open Gardens:
Holding an open garden to invite people in to view your garden and charging a small entry fee. You may also make some money from donations, or teas and coffees.
Advertising your Fundraising Event
Please let us know when your event is and what it is and we will advertise it on Facebook Pages and on Twitter. To let us know go and enter your event in the diary. This will notify us so that we can help advertise it.
Please also advertise it yourself on the Facebook Group ‘No Plastic Nurdles Factory in Skibbereen’:
Make sure you use a description of your event, the time and date and the venue.
You can find templates for Posters or Letters that you can use to let people know about the event at the end of this pack. Just print out the letter or poster and write your event details into it.
Sending in your Fundraising Donation
Please pay the donation from your fund raining event to:
Account Name:
Save Our Skibbereen
Account Number :
Sort Code :
IBAN : IE95AIBK93637515220009
If you have any more questions, get in touch with us on :
Download this guide and sample posters here :
Or get in touch if you need any further promotional material. We can help with that.
Best of luck everyone and thank you for helping.